Sea of Fools Wiki
Abilities and Powers
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Jimero Powers

Jimero using his powers

Abilities and Powers[]

Jimero is a master of stealth. He once managed to avoid contact with the Gear Pirates for a whole month on their ship without a single member noticing. Even the most secure of places aren't safe against him. He also is a devil fruit user. The user of the Nō Nō no Mi. Because of this, he can control people's brains and actions, wipe their memory, or steal them.

Fighting Capabilities[]

Although Jimero isn't that strong, he is a master fighter. He has mastered several different fighting styles, and can instantly recognize any flaws in any fighting style he goes against.

Devil Fruit[]

Jimero is the user of the Nō Nō no Mi or the Brain Brain Fruit. It granted him the ability to control people's action, and have access to their memories. But first he and the target must make eye contact, even a second is long enough for him to gain access to your thoughts and memories.
