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This article, Rije Rije no Mi, is the property of Jet.

Rije Rije no Mi
[[Rejecting the falling rain.|250px]]
Japanese Name: リジェリジェの実
Romanized Name: Rije Rije no Mi
English Name: Reject-Reject Fruit
Meaning: Rejection
Usage Debut: Fanon
Type: Paramecia
User: Hawkins D. James

The Rije Rije no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows its user to become a Rejection Human (拒絶人間 Kyozetsu Ningen?) as it enables them to reject anything they want. The word "Rije" comes from "Rijecto" (リジェクト). It was consumed by the young pirate from the East Blue, Hawkins D. James.


The Rije Rije no Mi looks like a green pear with dark green swirls on it that look like they are resonating outwards from the stem of the fruit.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

Repel dust

Jim rejects the presence of a dust cloud around him.

The major strength of the fruit is that it allows its user to literally reject anything, ranging from attacks, objects, people, even events. This allows them to easily manipulate their surroundings to a great degree and makes the Rije Rije no Mi one of the strongest Paramecia fruits in existence. The user can send objects flying away from him, rejecting its presence near him, can crumble a boulder into nothingness, rejecting its very existence, even heal injuries by rejecting the event that inflicted the injury in the first place. The uses that the powers of this fruit can be put to are almost limitless, limited by the user's ingenuity and quick thinking.

Besides standard devil fruit weaknesses, this fruit does have a few weaknesses that can be exploited if a person is familiar enough with the powers of the fruit. The first is that as the user can only reject things, if he were about to reject a punch about to hit him, and the person punching him were to reverse the direction of his hand's movement at just the right time, then the powers of the fruit would reject that reversal and actually make the punch land on him with even greater force.



Jim rejecting gravity around him.


Reject air

Repel, Air.

  • Repulse (撃退, "Gekitai"): A defensive technique in which Jim uses the powers of the Rije Rije no Mi to repel everything in his immediate vicinity. This attack can send objects, living creatures and projectiles flying away from him, protecting him from a wide variety of physical with the most basic of applications of the fruit.
  • Repel, Air: Jim concentrates the powers of the Rije Rije no Mi in the palm of his hand, rejecting the air touching it, sending it flying away at neck-break speeds. The air acts, along with any dust and other particles that might be floating around in it, act as a highly potent projectile that can cause a great deal of damage on impact. The repelled air creates small gusts of wind in its wake which themselves move at great speeds and possess great cutting power. The small dust particles in the air also increase the cutting ability of this attack.
Reject line

Repel, Straight Line.

  • Repel, Straight Line:
  • Railgun (レールガン, "Rērugan"):