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Personality and Relationships
Abilities and Powers

Apache B. Ape is a macaque minkman and the musician of the Purple Rose Pirates.

Born to a family of mink warriors, Ape was the black sheep of the family since he wanted to become a musician. Mistreatment by his family forced him to become a formidable soldier and became the leader of the New Inuarashi Musketeer Squad, named after the fighting force led by Inuarashi in canon One Piece, where he met his wife Simianne. Years after the death of his wife, he met Johanne O. Marley and became "frenemies" with her.

Along with Rossini, they are the first members of the crew to join after the timeskip. However since Johanne was reintroduced first, he is numbered 12th and Rossini was numbered 13th.



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Purple Rose Pirates
Members: Jonathan Arleigh Captain  •  Johanne O. Marley Lieutenant  •  Hansuke Nodachi  •  Kwaito III  •  Moufassa Özcan  •  Taiping Yagami   •  Ramie Yoshino  •  Momon Tarō  •  Apollo Ichijō  •  Yelena Chapayeva  •  Violeta Mach  •  Kangri Romanov  •  Apache B. Ape  •  Rossini  •  Charlotte Tahini  •  Steen Springbok
Ships: Packet Boat   •  The Unlucky   •  Steamboat Willie  •  The Imperial Scepter *
Devil Fruit Based: Pika Pika no Mi  •  Shuso Shuso no Mi  •  Howa Howa no Mi  •  Chiku Chiku no Mi  •  Kiru Kiru no Mi  •  Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Fenghuang
Fighting Styles: Cowabunga Capoeira  •  Fishman Karate (Fishman Jujutsu)  •  Ichi Kenpo
Swordsmanship Styles: Elemental Nitoryu  •  Highland Fencing
Weapon Based: Saibankan  •  Simo  •  Sarah and Sally  •  La Scopa  •  El Guitara
Support Abilities: Crown of Orbs  •  Dials  •  Haki  •  Hito Hito Capsule  •  Lifesteal  •  Lullaby  •  Mood Manipulation  •  Trace