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This article, APCA, is property of Lordofwar97. You'll become corrupted by power and succumb to a heart attack 😈 🤣

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
Setting: World
Time: Era of the Dominion (current)
Point of Divergence: Siege of Mariejois, 15 years ago
Page created by: Lordofwar97

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely, abbreviated as APCA, is an alternate story universe created by Lordofwar97. Taking place in the same world as the original series, history is shifted in more ways than ever. Originally from a phrase uttered in the ancient world, these words were recalled by the philosopher Apollonius. He understood it reflected many dark events that have happened centuries before the Void Century.

Piracy is more lucrative, yet dangerous. Many nations amassed their own navies and armies to maintain their security. But few would dare make war with one another. While a central government rules without question, many defy authority and will do whatever it takes to survive. These are the stories and people that seek a better future. One where everyone can rest in eternal peace.


History and mystery lies behind one of the most powerful families to haunt the world: the House of Bellomont. Tensions mount between them and the world they inhabit. They are seen as inspiration and awe to some, while others see destruction and chaos. These tensions climax to a cataclysmic War against the World Government. The House was triumphant, with the creation of the World Dominion. It became the dominant political power in the world, ruled by the mysterious Lord Bellomont. His true motivations remain unknown. He helms a new age under Obedience, Hira, modeled after the doctrine of the World Armada. With more demands to bring world order, the task is far more difficult than believed.


The story takes place within the same world from One Piece. All of the characters from the canon universe are mostly the same. Though there are major differences in their history and actions. More islands are influenced by real world mythology, which plays an important part in the story.

Astral Realm[]

In addition to the physical world, there is the existence of the astral plane. Its synonyms include the Spirit World, the Astral Plane, the Astral Realm, Astral World, Land of Dreams, and the Otherworld. This plane of existence is usually hard to access, though there are ways of entering the plane. This is the realm where many spirits thrive and exist in, though they can enter into the real world through various portals in the real world. These locations include Wano Country, Cathay, Ohara, the Cedar Forest, Cockaigne, Ruthenia, and other islands.

Spirits are ancient beings who barely age and possess mysterious powers. Spirits are usually well tempered, known for their great wisdom, humor, trickery, and granting wishes. If provoked enough, they are formidable beings. Sometimes, they have been referred as "gods", though they laugh and don't believe in such nonsense.


The history of the world is divided into eras, catalogued and determined by Apollonius Tyana, the Inquisitor. He was told by the Prophet Zarathustra that the world had been in existence for millions of years. Though records of the ancient world, before 10,000 years ago, are lost. Nevertheless, a comprehensive list of the Eras, events, and years were created by Apollonius:

*denotes major event

- Era of Spirits: Before 10,000

*Great Spirit War: 10,000 years ago

-Era of Civilizations: 10,000-5,000 years ago

-Era of Dominance: 5,000-1,000 years ago

  • Ohara plants the Tree of Knowledge 5,000 years ago
  • The Kingdom of Albion established territories by 4,500 years ago
  • The Palace of Alubarna was forged by the Andalusians 4,000 years ago.
  • Cathay began a conquest of the world, establishing the Celestial Empire by 3,500. The Celestial Golden Age spread throughout the world
  • Wano Country and the Celestial Empire declared war, lasting from 2,500-1,500 years ago. The Celestial Empire collapsed.
  • The Great Kingdom began their domination 1,300 years ago.
  • The Kingdom of Albion was destroyed 1,000 years ago. Their colonies either died out or survived.

-Era of the Great Kingdom: 1,300-900 years ago

-The Void Century: 900-800 years ago

-Era of the Five Great Kingdoms: 800-585 years ago

  • The Great Game: 800-770 years ago
  • Era of Philosophy: 770-660 years ago
  • Era of Cults: 710-565 years ago

– Era of the Bellomonts': 585-400 years ago

– Era of Strife: 400-15 years ago

  • World Government takes power away from House of Bellomont 400 years ago

– Era of the Great War: 15 years ago

– Era of the World Dominion: 15 years ago-present day


Unlike the concept of dreams and lightheartedness that exist in One Piece, this story will explore the darkest conscious and subconscious recesses of the human condition.

This world has seen various eras that sway between peace and utter destruction. Many nations, kingdoms and islands contain deep mysteries. Even the Void Century itself has a strange connection that ties the past and the future, yet only few understand this beyond the "true history."

Power is what establishes the resilience, desire, conviction, and will to shape ones' image. Many factions are forming, loyalties divided, each to their own risks. It's often told if one seeks to obtain "absolute power", it will warp and twist the minds and bodies.

Fantasy plays a much deeper role in this story. The impossible is explored through radiant energy, the Heavenly Aura, the Astral Realm, and other mysterious phenomena. As much as it provides an entrance to escape the world, one must tread lightly as it could cost a life.

